Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Israeli Apartheid Week 2009 Round-Up

Phew, it's finally done: I've finished writing about my experiences at this year's "Israeli Apartheid Week" (IAW).

I attended two nights in Toronto. On the first night (a Monday), I couldn't get into the auditorium, so I stayed with the crowd inside the lobby and outside. On the Thursday night, I arrived early, got a seat and listened to the anti-Israel lectures.

I wrote about my experiences here:

March 2nd: Part 1
March 2nd: Part 2
March 2nd: Part 3
March 2nd: Part 4
March 5th: Part 1
March 5th: Part 2
March 5th: Part 3
March 5th: Part 4
March 5th: Part 5
March 5th: Part 6

Keep in mind that Leila Farsakh will be one of the guest speakers at the anti-Israel bash being held as part of York University's 50th anniversary party.

These people have one goal in mind: the conquest and dismantling of the only Jewish state in the world.

The arguments don't matter much to them: they're trying every tactic they can think of to convince the world that the Jewish people are not entitled to their ancestral homeland, that of all the UN-mandated countries in the Middle East, somehow Israel is illegitimate while all the others remain legitimate.

They don't actually care about "apartheid" or the living conditions of the perpetual "Palestinians". If they did, they'd be protesting against Hamas, Fatah and Hezbollah.

Jews have lived in Israel for more than 3,000 years.

Israel is the legal and legitimate homeland of the Jewish people.

Facts don't matter to these people (who include in their number Muslims, communists and socialists, all with their own anti-Jewish and/or anti-capitalist agendas).

They can call it anti-Zionism all they like and pretend it has nothing to do with anti-Semitism: but Israel is the Zionist project. To be anti-Zionist is to be anti-Israel.

They want to end Israel, "the Zionist project". They want to transform it into another Muslim country: that's their bottom line.

All the rest is just window dressing.

"The End of the Zionist Project"

"Israeli Apartheid Week" 2009

Thursday, March 5th: Part 6: Q&A with Leila Farsakh
University of Toronto

Such mild, pretty language glosses over the hoped-for destruction of the only Jewish state in the world.

57 Muslim countries. One Jewish country.

During the Q&A, a woman asked Leila Farsakh:

"Ms. Farsakh, you said: 'The two-state solution has been killed by Israel; the only solution is a one-state solution.'

"What would that one state look like? What would it entail?"

Ms. Farsakh responded that, among the proponents of the one-state solution, people were considering two options: a binational state such as Belgium or Switzerland or a secular, democratic state.

In a binational state, she explained, Israeli Jews would be able to keep their own communities, religious institutions and schools, and so would Muslims.

She did not explain how the binational state would differ from the current situation in Israel, Gaza and the West Bank or how the communities would be apportioned.

She did not say that the three areas would be melded into one.

Nor did she mention that the outrageous perpetual "right of return" – of not only people who had once lived in Israel but including their descendants through every generation for all time – would cause the binational state or the secular, democratic state to instantly become a Muslim-majority state.

Ms. Farsakh did not give one example of a secular, democratic state in the world with a majority Muslim population. Past history and current trends demonstrate that, in most or all cases, a country in which Muslims make up the majority will become a country that is ruled by Sharia (Muslim religious) law. In most or all Muslim countries today, right now in 2009, Christians, Jews, people of other faiths and non-religious people, as well as Muslims, are being persecuted and murdered either because they are not Muslim or because they are deemed not Muslim enough.

None of this was brought up by Ms. Farsakh. Perhaps it does not concern her; I do not know.

It seemed to sadden Ms. Farsakh that "the international community is not on board and that is key" to their success.

This is precisely what she will be working toward this month at York University.

Ms. Farsakh ended with the following:

"Jews and Israelis are worried that it would mean the end of Judaism and Israel. It would be the end of the Zionist project but not the end of the Jews or 60 years of Israeli culture."

"The Zionist project" is Israel.