Sunday, January 30, 2011

Scenes from the Anti-Mubarak Rally, Toronto, January 29, 2011 - Part 1

Blazing Cat Fur and Five Feet of Fury have reports on the bizarre mishmash of people at the rally today.   

As Dutch says, the uprisings in Tunisia and Egypt are following the model of the French Revolution rather than the American Revolution.  It's not promising for those of us who value democracy as embodied by Western civilization.


paladin3001 said...

I was by that area for a short while this afternoon. Doing something else in the neighborhood and caught this as a fly by. I can't believe that these people think that overthrowing Mubarak will lead to more freedom. I see dark times ahead of us due to the fall of his regime.

Josephine said...

It's worrisome, Phil.