Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Thanks for visiting

I started this blog in 2009 as a way to tell people about the pro- and anti-Israel events I was witnessing in Toronto but I've decided it's time to close up shop.

A lot has changed since 2009.  More people and organizations are aware of the anti-Israel actions taking place on the streets of Toronto.  More people are blogging about local events that are of interest to people who support Israel and care about Western values.  Very smart people are coming up with and implementing strategies to counter negative and untrue anti-Israel propaganda.  These are all good changes.  On the other hand, there have been a lot of major changes in countries around the world and only time will tell if they are for the better. 

Thank you to everyone who has visited my little blog.


Vardit said...

Semper fi!??? Good luck, hon!

natasha said...

Josephine, I'm so sorry to see you go. I can understand your reasons though. I'm finding myself less driven to blog, too, as I need to focus my energy elsewhere.

Your work has been much appreciated -- all the pictures and videos you've provided, and the abuse you've had to endure from certain members of society while obtaining visual proof for such events.

Thanks so much for it all and best wishes to you!

Blazingcatfur said...

So long Good Buddy, your voice will be missed. Hope you get your snark back though.

e.smith said...

Good luck with all your new challenges--you will be much missed Josephine.

MONSTER said...

Gonna misS you LGF(the smart one). Got to take care of life befor the blog though. Best wishs and may God keep you and yours safe and healthy.

Frances said...

Sorry to see you go. Wish you would reconsider, even if you can only post occasionally. Your voice will be missed.

Anonymous said...

We love your blog! We'll miss you, but we know you're still fighting the good fight!!

B in Toronto said...

All the best, Josephine. I appreciate you covering the anti-Israel angle in this city and I'll miss your contributions.

Anonymous said...

I saw you in front of the ROM at the first Dead Sea Scrolls exhibition protests. I took pictures. You took pictures. You spoke to me briefly and I had no idea who you were, but because of the pictures and reporting, I found your blog. I think you have provided an amazing and important service and hope that you will still dabble in this work when you have some free time. You will be missed.

Fenris Badwulf said...

Never say never again.

Josephine said...

Thanks so much, folks. I've enjoyed conversing with you. I'm sure we'll still see each other at events; I just won't be blogging about them.

Fenris -- My dream is to win the lottery and blog about being a gazillionaire, so I most definitely will never say never. ; )

Anonymous said...

You and Dutch are among the finest thinkers, writers, videographers and photographers

I won’t (because I can’t) say "good bye". I remain optimistic. One day, you will add to your exceptional blog when the need arises.

Although the internet is full, there are too few places to learn the truth and nothing but the truth. We need you to shine the light and give us a solid clear perspective. LGF4EVER.

Josephine you are truly one of the best.


Anonymous said...

I really enjoyed reading your blog - you did such a great job.

May I recommend a terrific blog to your readers: legal insurrection http://legalinsurrection.blogspot.com

Best wishes

Josephine said...

Rochelle - Thank you very much!

Moshe & Anon: Thanks for the comments & links.

The Mayor said...

Best of luck going forward, Josephine.

Thanks for your time and energy and bringing your message.

Josephine said...

Thank you, Mayor.